Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimator (SRCE)
Nevada Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimator and Cost Data File
The Nevada Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimator Version 1.4.1 (SRCE) is the agency approved EXCEL workbook file that co ntains standardized cost data utilized by the SRCE model to calculate reclamation bonding requirements. The SRCE model may be downloaded from the following webpage: This webpage also contains useful features such as frequently asked questions, user comments and suggestions, bug reports, and other supporting documentation regarding SRCE.
For the SRCE model to function correctly and calculate a reclamation bond amount that is acceptable to Division of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation (NDEP-BMRR), the user must also download the Cost Data File from this webpage (see below). The Cost Data File contains the region-specific Davis-Bacon Labor Rates and applicable fuel, equipment rental rates, etc. that are inputs for the SRCE model. The inputs are updated by the NDEP-BMRR on an annual basis.
- Please note that the Cost Data File is only compatible with SRCE Version 1.4.1.
Mobilization and Demobilization Costs
Calculation of mobilization and demobilization costs for reclamation equipment must be calculated for all projects. A convenient way to accomplish this is to download the Mobilization/Demobilization Cost Calculator file below, which is an EXCEL workbook developed to estimate mob/demob charges based on the distance to the project from the equipment rental company location. This current mob/demob workbook replaces previous versions and is based on R.S. Means equipment rates and Davis-Bacon labor rates. The workbook includes mob/demob, pilot car, and assembly/disassembly worksheets, which are used to calculate the total cost for mob/demob. The total mob/demob cost can then be entered on the Cost Summary Page of the SRCE model.
Process Fluids Cost Estimator and Heap Leach Drain Down Estimator
The Nevada Standardized Process Fluids Cost Estimator (PFCE) for closure of heap leach pads and tailings storage facilities is now available for download (see below). NDEP, BLM, and Industry representatives jointly developed PFCE, which is an estimation tool for the calculation of bond amounts required for Interim Fluid Management (IFM) and Process Fluid Stabilization (PFS). Bonding for IFM and PFS ensures that funds are available for managing the heap leach and tailings storage facility process fluids during closure. Detailed definitions of IFM and Phases I-IV of PFS are available below for download. PFCE utilizes standardized labor crews, equipment, materials, and unit costs that will be updated annually to calculate bond amounts based on the specific heap leach pad or tailings storage facility physical parameters, volume of fluids, and timeframes required for IFM & PFS. To estimate the timeframes and volumes of fluids to be managed, a model is needed to calculate heap leach drain down curves. One such model is the Heap Leach Drain down Estimator (HLDE), which can be downloaded from the BLM Nevada Mining and Minerals webpage.
Although the use of PFCE is not required, operators using it in conjunction with the HLDE model may realize a quicker preparation time for the calculation of the IFM & PFS components of the reclamation cost estimate; as well as a faster agency approval time due to standardization of costs and methodologies.
Available Files for Download
SRCE and Associated Tools
- SRCE Model - Version 1.4.1 with Build 17c Pre-loaded with Updated Cost Data
- Nevada-Approved SRCE Model - Version 1.4.1 Build 17c
- Note: We encourage all SRCE users to visit to find manuals, tutorials, FAQs, suggestions, bug reports, and more. You can also sign up to receive notifications about significant changes and information updates.
- SRCE Cost Data File
- Annual Comparison
- Note: Supporting documentation for the Cost Data File source data is available from NDEP upon request
- Mobilization/Demobilization Cost Calculator
- EZ E-Cell Calculator
- Road Disturbance Conversion
HLDE and Associated Tools
- HLDE Model - Version 1.2
- HLDE/PFCE User Guide
- Estimated Precipitation Infiltration Rate Calculator for Uncovered Heap Leach Pad
- Evaporation Efficiency Calculator
- Phase I/II Duration Calculator