Mining Closure Guidance, Policies, References, and Requirements
Permit Modification Requirements
- Please visit the Mining Closure Applications, Fees, and Forms page for more information and guidance on permit applicaions or permit modifications.
Stability Requirements
NDEP Certified Laboratory Information
- NDEP requires all sample results submitted for permit complaince be analyzed by a certified/approved laboratory. Additional information about NDEP's laboratory certification program may be reviewed at the Laboratory Certification Webpage. Navigate to the center of the page to "Certified Lab List" and select a laboratory listed on the CWA (Clean Water Act) tab at the bottom of the Nevada Certified Lab List (Excel spreadsheet) for accepted Nevada laboratories regarding water analyses. For Nevada certified labs regarding analyses of soils, waste rock and overburden, see the "Mining" tab.
Guidance for Hydrogeologic Groundwater Flow Modeling at Mine Sites
- Guidance for Hydrogeologic Groundwater Flow Modeling at Mine Sites (PDF
Fillable PDF, Online Form)
Guidance for Geochemical Modeling at Mine Sites
- Guidance for Geochemical Modeling at Mine Sites (PDF
Fillable PDF, Online Form)
Listing of Accepted Codes for Groundwater and Geochemical Modeling at Mine Sites
Monitoring and Sampling Information
- Monitoring Well Design and Approved Monitoring and Sampling Methods
- Modification to Profile 1 Parameter List and Total Uranium (Effective 7/1/22)
- NDEP Profile III Nitrogen Parameter Update
- NDEP Profile III - Table of Parameters & Reference Values
- Pit Lake Water Quality Characterization Program - NDEP Profile III
- Profile III Literature and Method References
- NDEP-Approved Soil Quality Test Method
- WAD Cyanide Analytical Procedures
- WAD Cyanide in Soil Test Method
- NDEP-Approved Soil Quality Test Method
- Approved Methods for Mercury Analysis
- Clarification of Analytical Procedures
- Permit Limitations for Leak Detection Systems
- Metals Digestion Requirements for Labs
Analyte Lists
Guidance for Submitting Electronic Data to BMRR
- Guidance for Submitting Electronic Documents Requiring Signatures and PE Stamps
- Guidance for the Submittal of Electronic Data to BMRR
- Sample Spreadsheet for Electronic Data Upload
- Recorded Database Workshop for Submitting Electronic Data to BMRR
- PowerPoint Presentation for Database Workshop
Mine Waste Solids Reuse
Burial of Stucture Foundations
- Information on the burial of structure foundations may be found on the Bureau of Sustainable Materials Mangement (BSMM) page under "Landfills - Municipal & Industrial", scroll down to "Guidance Document for Abandonment of Structures" for the most updated information on this topic. Please note: the mine operator may need to obtain a Class III Landfill waiver prior to the abandonment of building foundations. Please contact the BSMM at (775) 687-9462 for more information.
Mine Closure
- Preparation Requirements & Guidelines Permanent Closure Plans & Final Closure Reports
- Guidelines for the Permanent Closure of Bioreactors, Evaporation & Evapotranspiration Cells
- Guidance for the Permanent Closure of Underground Mine Workings
Memorandum of Understanding (DCNR, USFS, BLM)
- Memorandum of Understanding (DCNR, USFS, BLM)