Laboratory Certification

The mission of Nevada's Laboratory Certification Program (LCP) is to protect the health and safety of Nevadans by ensuring that environmental laboratories, certified by the State of Nevada, are using approved methods of analyses to produce data that is technically sound, legally defensible, and of known and documented quality so that sound regulatory decisions can be made. Our staff accomplishes this task in several ways, including through biannual onsite assessments of in-state labs (we accept on a case-by-case basis out-of-state onsite assessments), review of quality systems documents, and maintaining a database that tracks all laboratories' proficiency testing results. The following programs within Nevada's Department of Environmental Protection require the use of Nevada Certified Labs:

Certified Lab Lists


Our staff is available to answer any questions. Please see below for staff specialties and look to the contacts page for email and phone numbers.

Jasmine Curiel- Program Supervisor - Laboratory Certification Officer

  • DMRQA Coordinator
  • Certified to Assess: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Radiochemistry, and Microbiology
  • Mining Lab Requirements and Onsite Assessments
  • General Program Requirements: PT Reporting
  • Applications: Renewal, Additions, and Initial

Savannah Hash - Administrative Assistant III

  • Main contact: 
  • Invoicing and Payment
  • General Program Requirements: PT Reporting
  • Applications: Renewal, Additions, and Initial

Stephanie Perley - Laboratory Certification Officer

  • General Program Requirements: PT Reporting
  • Certified to Assess Microbiology 
  • Applications: Renewal, Additions, and Initial

Corinne Hasenau - Laboratory Certification Officer

  • General Program Requirements: PT Reporting
  • Applications: Renewal, Additions, and Initial
  • Certified to Assess Microbiology and Inorganic Chemistry

James Beckley - Laboratory Certification Officer

  • General Program Requirements: PT Reporting
  • Applications: Renewal, Additions, and Initial

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