Streamlined permitting process
Underground Injection Control Permit for Renewable Energy ResourcesIf a facility proposes to construct, alter, repair, abandon, or use/operate any injection well on any lands within this State, an Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit is required for a renewable energy resource facility. This does not include injection wells within the limits of any Indian reservation or dependent Indian colony under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. |
Streamlining the Process
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![]() Where to apply for a Class V Injection Permit
Applications for discharge permits should be submitted at least 180 days prior to needing final authorization. Once the appropriate fees,[2 Page PDF] UIC Form U200: UIC Permit Application [6 Page PDF], UIC Form U202: Class 5 Geothermal Well Attachments [6 Page PDF], associated technical information are submitted, a completeness review of the application will be concluded within 30 days and a technical review of the project concluded within 60 days. All information will be evaluated to determine compliance with applicable statutes and regulations.
It is recommended that an applicant arrange a pre-application meeting with the following entities:
Applicants should use the meetings to present the project and obtain the necessary information for a complete and comprehensive application. At a minimum, the applicant should meet with the UIC program to discuss details of the application. |
Governing Regulations & Statutes
The UIC Program regulates injection wells under the authority of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 445A.300 - 445A.730 and the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A.810 - 445A.925, inclusive. |
Stormwater Construction Permit
Why a Stormwater Permit: To preserve water quality by preventing polluted runoff from entering our rivers and lakes. Uncontrolled runoff from construction sites is a water quality concern because of the devastating effects that sedimentation can have on local water bodies, particularly small streams. Numberous studies have shown that the amount of sediment transported by stormwater runoff from construction sites with no controls is significantly greater than from sites with controls. During storm events, construction sites may be the source of sediment-laden runoff, which can overwhelm a small stream channel's capacity, resulting in streambed scour, stream bank erosion, and destruction of nearstream vegetation cover. Where left uncontrolled, sediment-laden runoff has been shown to result in the loss of in-stream habitats for fish and other aquatic species, an increased difficulty in filtering drinking water, the loss of drinking water reservoir storage capacity, and negative impacts on the navigational capacity of waterways.
General Permit Requirements: A Construction Stormwater Permit is required under the Federal Clean Water Act and its implementing federal regulations. In Nevada, the Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is the designated permitting authority under the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 445A.440, NRS 445A.475, and the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A.266.
Stormwater permits issued by NDEP are implemented based on Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as diversion, detention, erosion control, sediment traps, gravel construction entrances, covered storage, spill response, and good housekeeping. Site operators (permittees) select the BMPs subject to approval by NDEP.
A stormwater permit is required under NDEP's general permit NVR100000 for stormwater discharge associated with construction activity that:
- will disturb more than one (1) acres,
- will disturb less than one (1) acre but is part of a larger common plan for development or sale that will ultimately disturb one (1) or more acre, or
- is designated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting authority and will discharge stormwater runoff from the construction site to a muniticipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) or waters of the U.S.
If NDEP determines that a project less than one (1) acre in size will impact receiving waters or its tributaries within a ¼-mile radius of the project, the owner/operator of the project will be required to obtain a construction stormwater permit.
If the construction site will disturb less than five (5) acres and meets certain criteria, the site may be eligible for a construction stormwater permit waiver.
How to Obtain a Stormwater Construction Permit: A permit is obtained by submitting an on-line application (Notice of Intent -NOI) along with the permit filing fee no later than two (2) days prior to the start of construction. Provisional authorization begins 24 hours following receipt of the electronic NOI by NDEP.
After completion of the electronic NOI, the applicant submits a signed/dated certification statement to NDEP.
Once the signed certification statement and fee are received by NDEP, an authorization letter is sent to the general permit holder for their files. During the period beginning on the authorization date and lasting until permit coverage is terminated, the Permittee is authorized to discharge the following to Waters of the State in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and conditions of the permit:
- Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity;
- Stormwater Associated with Small Construction Activity, and
- Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity from temporary concrete, asphalt, and material plants or operations dedicated to the permitted construction project.
The following links will assist with the application process for a Stormwater Construction Permit for renewable energy resources projects such as geothermal, solar, wind, biomass, and hydro.