Water Quality Call for Data & Special Reports / Studies
Surface Water Quality Call for Data
NDEP is soliciting water quality data and information to be used in the Nevada 2026 Water Quality Integrated Report, which includes an assessment of surface water quality throughout Nevada. All data related to the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of Nevada surface water. Partnerships can enhance our understanding of Nevada waters and leverage ongoing work. Refer to the Call for Data letter or the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below for more information.
Nevada Surface Water Call for Data FAQs
What will this data be used for?
The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) staff will review and verify the submitted data. Upon approval, the data will be incorporated into the analysis for the 2026 NDEP Integrated Report (IR).
The purpose of the IR is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of water quality data associated with Nevada's surface waters. This report is prepared biennially under the Clean Water Act Sections 303(d), 305(b), and 314. It helps determine whether state surface water quality standards are being met and whether designated uses are being supported. The report is intended for use by the public, other entities, and NDEP for water quality management planning purposes.
More information on the IR can be found on the NDEP IR webpage.
What type of data is requested?
NDEP is seeking electronic surface water quality data on the physical, chemical, and biological conditions within Nevada. For accuracy and reliability, all data should be collected using sound scientific principles.
While we prefer data in CSV format for ease of access, analysis, and integration, we may be able to work with different formats. If your data is in a different format, please reach out so we can determine if the data can still be utilized for IR analysis.
Who can submit data for the report?
Anyone can submit data, including private citizens, public agencies, state and federal governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses.
What is the date range for request data?
October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2024.
The Nevada 2026 Water Quality Integrated Report assesses Water Year 2019 through Water Year 2024.
What are the requirements for submission?
Data must be from sampling events conducted between October 1, 2019, and September 30, 2024.
Ensure that data was collected in accordance with established scientific principles and methodologies, while employing quality assurance methods. This approach guarantees that the data is credible, reproducible, and trustworthy for informed decision-making.
Accurate location information preferably with maps if possible.
Provide data with speciation and parameter names.
Describe metals data as either dissolved or total.
Submit numeric data in electronic form (spreadsheet or database).
If in doubt, reach out and NDEP can help determine if data is viable.
What specific information should be included in the data submission?
Data should include (if available):
Site location ID
Waterbody name
Location description
Latitude and longitude
Sample date and time
Sample depth (if applicable)
Parameter name
Value of analyte (parameter)
Unit of measure for all parameters
Detection limit or reporting limit
Analytical date
Analytical method used
Laboratory name used for analysis
Comments about the data or sampling event
How can I contact NDEP for questions or comments?
Please email ndep-sam{@}ndep.nv.gov or call Seth Alm at 775-687-9457
Standards, Assessment and Monitoring Staff Directory linked below:Bureau of Water Quality Planning Contacts | NDEP
Special Reports/Studies
As part of its mission, the Bureau of Water Quality Planning performs special monitoring and investigations supporting a variety of needs within the Bureau including standards review and development, nonpoint source assessments, TMDL development, program evaluation and water education. Below are a list of the studies and information (developed by NDEP and others), available electronically.
Fact Sheets
- Temperature Criteria for Various Fish Species as Recommended to NDEP during the 1980s
- Nevadas Water Quality Standards and Low/High Flows Statistics (7Q10)
Special Studies and Reports
- Environmental Justice Communities Delineation for the Bureau of Water Quality Planning- January 2025
- Conceptual Plan for Water Quality Standards Evaluation and TMDL Development in Nevada, March 2004
- Nevada's Nutrient Criteria Strategy - Ver. 2 - Feb. 2009
- Nutrient Assessment Protocols for Wadeable Streams - Ver. 2, April 2009
- Nutrient Assessment Protocols for Lakes and Reservoirs - Ver. 1, Dec. 2008
- Nutrient Screening Indicators for Wadeable Streams - Jan. 2009