Anaconda Copper Mine, Lyon County, Nevada
The historic Anaconda Copper Mine Site (Site) is an abandoned open pit copper mine and processing facility, located in Lyon County’s Mason Valley, in western Nevada. The majority of copper mining, milling and processing at the Site occurred between 1953 and 1978, and secondary milling and processing of ores occurred between 1978 and 2000.
Today, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is overseeing site investigations, clean up, and closure actions that are protective of human health and the environment. The goal of this webpage is to enhance the public’s understanding of the current and planned activities at the Site. Designed as a resource to help promote transparency and engage area communities throughout the Anaconda cleanup, this webpage will continue to be updated with the latest information, planned activities, communications materials, and more.

Click the following links for more information:
- See What’s Happening at the Site Now
- View Site Documents
- Explore the Anaconda Community Involvement and Participation Plan
- Learn about Recent Regulatory Actions and Brief History of the Site
- Contact Us