Regional Downgradient Investigation

Current Status
Downloadable Documents
Additional Information
Following initiation of Phase I of NERT’s Remedial Investigation, NDEP took the lead role on a separate parallel investigation, implemented to determine if perchlorate and chlorate had migrated from the NERT site and impacted groundwater quality near the Las Vegas Wash. To that end, NDEP hired AECOM with the goal of identifying the extent of perchlorate and chlorate impacts along the Las Vegas Wash and areas of perchlorate flux from groundwater to the Las Vegas Wash. The Las Vegas Wash is the central physical feature that defines the downgradient area. The objectives of the downgradient investigation include:
- Characterize magnitude and extent of groundwater impacts from the former Kerr-McGee/Tronox site to the Las Vegas Wash. (This is the big picture view point.)
- Evaluate pathways allowing perchlorate to move from groundwater into the Las Vegas Wash. (Where is the perchlorate coming into the Wash.)
- Quantify perchlorate flux into Las Vegas Wash. (How much perchlorate is coming into the Wash.)
- Complete downgradient investigation such that the results can be incorporated into NERT’s Remedial Investigation. (Keep both investigation parallel and not sequential.)
Current Status
Downgradient Investigation Field Work
AECOM started its field work in the downgradient investigation in Spring 2016. Preliminary results confirm the presence of perchlorate in shallow groundwater along the Las Vegas Wash. Finalized Technical Memorandums will become part of NERT’s Remedial Investigation report. Field work included:
- Groundwater samples obtained, analyzed, and reported.
- Surface water and seep grab samples obtained, analyzed, and reported.
- Geophysical pilot testing of various geophysical methods completed to assess the ability to remotely sense the changes in geology with the subsurface. Field work was conducted during Winter 2016-2017 .
- Installation of ten temporary surface water gages and data recorders.
AECOM completed its work in 2019 with the submittal of the Final Groundwater Data Gap Investigation Technical Memorandum - Phase II Groundwater Quality Assessment for the NERT RI Downgradient Study Area. Work on the NERT project is ongoing.
Downloadable Documents
To view and download recent documents (2023) from the administrative record, please visit
Documents from the administrative record may also be requested by submitting a Public Records Request Form.
Select documents can also be downloaded from the Nert Document Repository.
Additional Information
For more information, please contact Weiquan Dong at:
wdong [at] or 702-668-3929