Abandoned Mine Lands Program
Page Contents
Scope and Authority
Program Overview
Partners and Funding
Links to Abandoned Mine Lands Information
Nevada Statutes and Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations
Contact Information
The Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Program is focused on mitigating potential human health and ecological concerns associated with contamination from legacy heavy metal mining operations (inactive or abandoned mine lands) occurring primarily prior to September 1, 1989. AML sites operated generally from the 1860's through the late-20th century on both public and private lands within the State of Nevada. AML sites may include mills, mill tailings, acid mine drainage, waste rock dumps, heap leach pads, pit lakes, chemical hazards, and associated structures and roads.
Scope and Authority
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A and Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 445A and 459 provide the authority to oversee assessment and corrective action of potential human health and ecological concerns on AML sites. Inventorying and assuring the security of mine openings to prevent physical hazards falls under the purview of the Nevada Division of Minerals Abandoned Mine Lands Program (NDOM AML). Mining operations active since September 1, 1989, generally fall under the purview and regulations of the NDEP's Bureau of Mining Regulation and Reclamation (BMRR).
Program Overview
Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Sites
- On privately owned lands with an identified owner/operator — On private land the AML Program works with responsible parties or owners/operators to resolve contamination problems and minimize human health risks and environmental hazards.
- On private land with no viable owner/operator, or with a lack of funding or bonding necessary to complete a restoration deemed necessary — The AML Program gains access to and assesses the site, determines a remedy, seeks and obtains funding to complete the work, completes the necessary reclamation work, and monitors the remedy to determine if the land has been restored to a stable or safe condition.
- On public lands — The AML Program coordinates with the BLM, USFS, or other public land managers to restore areas damaged or threatened by historic mining operations.
Site Assessment and Ranking
The AML Program uses a phased site research, reconnaissance, and ranking methodology. The first step is an initial site assessment, which may include owner/operator searches, public and private property records searches, discussions with other agencies, data accumulation, site visits, and other investigative techniques. Site visits may include soil screening, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) survey mapping, and water or waste rock sampling and analysis.
The ranking of sites for more detailed assessment follows from initial information gathered. A hazard ranking criteria schema is used to assist in the ranking of sites. The hazard ranking evaluates key elements that play a role in prioritizing AML environmental reclamation work with ten human health and environmental criteria, and associated weighting factors. The human health and environmental criteria are:
- exposure to human population
- exposure to environment
- presence of sensitive species or critical habitat
- currently degrading waters of the State
- adits with water
- distance to perennial surface water
- depth to groundwater
- proximity to supply wells
- presence of chemical hazards
- known acute or chronic toxic effects
This evaluation approach also includes stakeholder outreach and review to assure it is implemented effectively. Once the hazards are ranked, the sites are prioritized for further site assessment and/or remedial action. The poential remedial alternatives are evaluated, funding sources are identified, and plans for proceeding at each site are developed. The level of public concern, ease of access, and physical and economic viability of remedial actions are also considered. Concerning prioritizing resources, NDEP focuses on sites where releases present a known or potential direct human or environmental exposure, and where sources of funding may be available.
Potential Remedial Strategies
The AML Program addresses environmental hazards associated with abandoned mine sites in a variety of ways, using proven and innovative technologies. Hazard remediation work may include but is not limited to:
- capping mining waste and tailings piles
- removal of waste rock and tailings piles
- redirecting stream flow around tailings and mining wastes
- installing drains at adits to reduce or control flow of metal-laden, low pH water
- applying low-cost, low-maintenance water treatment technologies
- removing chemical hazards and impacted soils
- evaporation or treatment of impacted fluids
- stormwater controls
- site access controls

Partners and Funding
Partner Organizations
To ensure AML Program long-term effectiveness and sustainability, as well as site reclamation effectiveness, the program coordinates with many partner organizations, including but not limited to:
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
- Inter-Tribal Council fo Nevada (ITCN)
- Nevada Division of Minerals (NDOM)
- Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW)
- Nevada Mining Association (NvMA)
- Trout Unlimited (TU)
- Desert Research Institute (DRI)
- University of Nevada, Reno — Engineering Graduate Program
- University of Nevada, Reno — Hydrology Graduate Program
Program Funding Tools and Mechanisms
The AML Program continually requires funding for site assessment activities and site reclamation work. Various funding mechanisms are identified, pursued, and allocated as they become available.
Acid Mine Drainage Information and Links
- EPA — Abandoned Mine Drainage
- EPA — Acid Mine Drainage Technical Document
- USGS — Mine Drainage
- Acid Mine Drainage — West Virginia University
Mining Process & Non-Process Waste Links
Good Samaritan Program Links
Internal Links
- Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
- Nevada Environmental Cleanup
- Contact Bureau of Corrective Actions
- Bureau of Mining Regulations & Reclamation
- NDEP — Rio Tinto Information
- NDEP — Anaconda Copper Mine
External Abandoned Mine Lands Links
- National Association of Abandoned Mine Lands Programs (NAAMLP)
- Tribal Properties — Abandoned Mine Lands
- EPA — Abandoned Mine Lands
- BLM — Federal Abandoned Mine Lands Site
- USDA — Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS)
- NDOM — Abandoned Mine Lands
Neighboring States' Abandoned Mine Lands Programs
Other Links
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
- Office of Surface Mining Reclamation adn Enforcement (OSMRE)
- Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Nevada Statutes and Regulations
- Water Controls — Nevada Revised Statutes — NRS 445A
- Water Controls — Nevada Administrative Code — NAC 445A
- Hazardous Materials — NRS 459
- Corrective Action Regulations — NAC 445A.226 to NAC 445A.22755
- Mining Closure Regulations under BMRR — NAC 519A 010-345
Code of Federal Regulations
- 42 U. S. C. Section 9601 et seq. - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability (Federal Superfund or CERCLA)
- 40 C.F.R. Part 300 - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP)
- 33 U. S. C. Sections 1251-1387 - Federal Clean Water Act
- 40 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Environmental Protection, Sub-chapter D Water Programs, Parts 104 through 149
- 30 U. S. C. Section 1231 et seq. - Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, Subchapter IV - Abandoned Mine Reclamations
- 30 C.F.R. Subchapter R, Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (Parts 870, 872-877, 879, 880, 882, 884, 886, and 887)
Contact Information
Abandoned Mine Lands Program
Bureau of Corrective Actions
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
901 S. Stewart St., Ste. 4001
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 775-687-8335
Paul Eckert - Abandoned Mine Lands Program Manager
Phone: 775-687-9484 / peckert [at] ndep.nv.gov