Discharge to Waters of the State

The Bureau of Water Pollution Control (BWPC) protects waters of the State from the discharge of pollutants. BWPC issues temporary permits   in accordance with Chapter 445A of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

Getting Started

Who Needs Permit Coverage

Temporary Discharge to Waters of the State permits are for work that will last 180 days or less. The permit covers discharges from remediating and disinfection activities, well pump testing, aquifer drawdown testing, dewatering, dust suppression, and other discharges of a temporary nature and requiring immediate action. This permit is required prior to any discharge that may affect directly or indirectly waters of the State.

Temporary Discharge to Waters of the State permits will typically only be issued twice for one project (total of 1 year). Reissuances are given on a case-by-case basis. Projects expected to take longer than 1 year must generally apply for an Individual discharge permit. Contact the BWPC Permits Branch if you are unsure about which permit would be best for your specific project.

What is a Water of the State

Waters of the State are all waters situated wholly or partly within or bordering upon the State of Nevada. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Streams
  • Washes
  • Wells
  • Lakes
  • Water Courses
  • Impounding Reservoirs
  • Ponds
  • Waterways
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Marshes
  • Springs
  • Drainage Systems
  • All Bodies of accumulation of water, surface, and underground, natual or artificial


How to Apply for Permit Coverage

You must complete the following two steps to get coverage:

  1. Complete a Notice of Intent (permit application). The Notice of Intent is available online in the General Permits System. There you can also: 
  • Check the Status of your permit 
  • View the contact information for your permit. 

For help with the Notice of Intent online application, please see the guidance document below 

      2. Submit the filing fee and the signed Notice of Intent

How to Pay the Application Fee

The application may be paid electronically or by mailing in a check. To pay electronically please visit the E-Payments page and include your site ID. To pay by check please mail the appropriate fee indicating your site ID to:  

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection 
Bureau of Water Pollution Control 
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001 
Carson City NV 89701 

For information on fees, and to view the latest fee schedule, please visit our Water Pollution Control Fees page.

What Reporting Must I Complete

Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forms must be submitted to the Division by the 28th day of each month of the permit. The DMR will include analytical data and monitoring results and must be signed by the authorized representative that is responsible for the work covered by the permit. 

When Do I Submit My Final Report

The final narrative report must include:

  • Photos describing and documenting the results of the projects activities before, after, and during the project.
  • Project logbook

The final narrative report must be submitted on or before the 28th day of the month following the expiration of the permit or by the 28th day of the month following the project completion, whichever comes first.

How to Terminate Coverage

The Temporary Discharge to Waters of the State permit will automatically expire after 180 days from the effective date.

What Other Permits Will I Need from the Bureau of Water Pollution Control

  • If you have a construction site or have to dewater, you may need additional permitting. Please contact the BWPC for more information, see our additional permitting webpages, and refer to our Construction Project Permitting Flowchart document below. This flowchart is designed to provide general guidance and is not intended to cover every situation. It is the owner/operator's responsibility to contact all required agencies and entities regarding required permitting.
  • Construction Project Permitting Flowchart

NDEP Resources

Not Finding What You Are Looking For 

See our Bureau of Water Pollution Control Contacts page to help find a person to answer your questions. 

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