Certified Environmental Manager

The CEM exam (spots are limited) will be held at 901 South Stewart St., Carson City, NV. Please follow the below deadlines:

Exam application submittal deadline: April 8, 2025

Exam registration deadline: April 22, 2025

CEM Exam date: April 29, 2025

In Nevada, a person must be a Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) before consulting for a fee in matters concerning:

  • The management of hazardous waste;
  • The investigation of a release or potential release of a hazardous substance;
  • The sampling of any media to determine the release of a hazardous substance;
  • The response to a release or cleanup of a hazardous substance; or
  • The remediation of soil or water contaminated by a hazardous substance.
    (NAC 459.970459.9729)

If you are interested in hiring a CEM, refer to our List of Certified Individuals.

How to become a CEM
To become a CEM, follow the steps below: ​

  1. Submit the CEM Application and $150 Application Fee.  Allow 6 weeks for application processing.*
  2. Once approved, submit the CEM Exam Registration and $200 Exam Fee.*
  3. Take and pass the CEM Exam.
    *Application and registration fees are non-refundable.

Am I qualified to become a CEM?
To become a CEM, you must meet and/or submit the following requirements:

  • A bachelor’s or advanced degree from an accredited college or university in a relevant field and at least 3 years of relevant environmental experience within the 5 years preceding the date of application
  • A passing score on the CEM Exam.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • A statement declaring the details of any pleas of guilty or nolo contendere in any criminal proceeding and of any conviction of a crime.

Does Nevada accept the Registered Environmental Manager certification or reciprocity from any other State?
No. You must be certified by NDEP as a Certified Environmental Manager to provide services within the State of Nevada.  No exceptions.  

How long will my certification last?
Your certification is valid for two years.  Six weeks before your certification expires, complete and submit a CEM Renewal Application and Renewal Fee.  If certification lapses, you cannot legally continue to provide services in the State of Nevada.  It is the responsibility of the certification holder to apply for renewal in a timely manner.

Who can perform Phase I Site Assessments in Nevada?
You must be a CEM to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in Nevada.  A Phase I ESA performed in Nevada is required under American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E1527-97, or "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assesment: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assesment Process". The objective is to determine whether recognized environmental conditions exist on properties that require an investigation phase (Phase II ESA) to begin a conceptual model. (NAC 459.9704)

Contact Us
Please refer any questions to NDEP Bureau of Corrective Actions, Certification Program.

Phone: (775) 687-9368
Email:  cert_info [@] ndep.nv.gov


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