Titanium Metals Corporation (TIMET)
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Titanium Metals Corporation (TIMET) was founded as Titanium Metals Corporation of America in 1950, and in 1951, began operating a facility on the east portion of Basic Management, Inc., an industrial complex near Henderson, Nevada currently also known as the Black Mountain Industrial (BMI) Center. TIMET specializes in the production of titanium products for the industrial, defense, and commercial aerospace markets. From the beginning of 1951 through 1976, process wastewater from TIMET and other facilities within the BMI complex was discharged to several unlined ponds through a series of ditches, a practice that was industry standard and legal at the time. The enactment of numerous environmental regulations during the 1970’s and early 1980’s resulted in the modification of disposal practices to reduce the potential environmental impacts of facility operations. Resultantly, all evaporation ponds constructed on the TIMET property since 1976 have been lined. Use of the ponds was permanently discontinued 2005 when TIMET constructed an on-site water treatment facility for effluent processing. Historic operations and practices at the TIMET facilities, as well as the potential migration of contaminated groundwater from other sites within the BMI complex, have resulted in impacts to groundwater in the area. In March 2014, TIMET began operation of a Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System to capture and treat contaminated groundwater underlying the TIMET site.

Current Status
TIMET Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System (GWETS) operations are being monitored in accordance with the NDEP-approved Monitoring & Sampling/Analysis Plan and quarterly reports are being submitted. During the first three years of operations more than 50 million gallons of water were treated with approximately 120 pounds of volatile organic chemicals removed from the subsurface. Additionally, semi-annual site-wide and downgradient groundwater sampling, hydraulic head monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) evaluations are conducted.
TIMET continues to work cooperatively with the Nevada Environmental Response Trust (NERT) and NDEP to help identify and implement treatment to remove perchlorate and hexavalent chromium from groundwater extracted by the TIMET GWETS.
Downloadable Documents
To view and download recent documents (2023-present) from the administrative record, please visit https://ob.nv.gov/ndep/.
Documents from the administrative record may also be requested by submitting a Public Records Request Form.
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Additional Information
For more information, please contact Grant Evenson at:
gevenson [at] ndep.nv.gov or 702-668-3920