Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems


Notice: The 2010 Small MS4 General Permit (NVS040000) has been administratively continued while a permit renewal is being drafted. Renewal notices will be mailed once the new permit has been reissued.

NDEP recommends you read the Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit and Fact Sheet to determine if you require coverage under the Small MS4 Permit.

If you require coverage under General Permit NVR040000, please complete the Notice of Intent (NOI) form (see link below). After completing the NOI, you will need to print the document, have an authorized person sign it and mail it and a check to NDEP at the address listed below.

Submit to:

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Pollution Control
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001
Carson City NV 89701-5249


For information on fees, and to view the latest fee schedule, please visit our Water Pollution Control Fees page.


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