Watershed-Based Plans
A watershed approach is the most effective way to manage today’s water resource challenges. A watershed plan that follows such an approach is described by nine elements outlined by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
The nine elements include:
- Identify causes and sources of pollution
- Estimate pollutant loading into the watershed and the expected load reductions
- Describe management measures that will achieve load reductions and targeted critical areas
- Estimate amounts of technical and financial assistance and the relevant authorities needed to implement the plan
- Develop an information/education component
- Develop a project schedule
- Describe the interim, measurable milestones
- Identify indicators to measure progress
- Develop a monitoring component
Several watershed plans have been developed in Nevada and accepted by US EPA. They include:
The Carson River Adaptive Management Plan
The Las Vegas Wash Comprehensive Adaptive Management Plan
The Lake Tahoe TMDL Implementation Plan
Local watershed groups are encouraged to develop watershed plans, as implementation of water quality improvements have access to a larger funding pool if a plan exists.
NDEP anticipates opening a Grant Funding Opportunity for watershed planning and new implementation projects in the upcoming month.
Please reach out to NDEP - Nonpoint Source Pollution Grants email (ndepnpsgrants [at] ndep.nv.gov) if there are questions about grant funding opportunities.