Public Notice – FONSI for the American Flat Project, Washoe County

Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) and the City of Reno (Reno) is eligible for a Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 445A.6758 to 445A.67612. TMWA and Reno have applied for funding for the construction of the Advance Purified Water Facility, which includes, but is not limited to, conveyance pipelines and a pump station, monitoring and injection wells, and improvements to the Reno-Stead Water Reclamation Facility. This project is providing a conservation effort to reduce reliance on Truckee River surface water, mitigating extreme weather changes in the region, and reducing wastewater effluent environmental discharges to Swan Lake, which is prone to flooding. Persons wishing to obtain further information regarding the project should submit their comments no later than March 25, 2025.

Comments can be submitted to Daniel Morgan, Environmental Scientist, Office of Financial Assistance, State Revolving Fund Program, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

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