Public Notice - BSMM - Hazardous Waste Permitting

This notice is published in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), specifically 40 CFR 270.42 (i), and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 444.8632, which require the Administrator of the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) to maintain a list of all approved permit modifications for RCRA hazardous waste management facilities and to publish a notice once a year in a statewide newspaper (in this case southern and northern Nevada) that an updated listing of the hazardous waste facility permit modifications approved by the NDEP is available for review.  The file is maintained by the Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management and is located at:  901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001, Carson City, Nevada.

The file is available for review between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday.  Please direct request for further information and or any related questions to Jonathan Zittel, Supervisor Permitting Branch, at the above address or call (775) 687-9465.

Note: For Mailing list & Web only

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