Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management Contacts

All phone numbers are area code 775 unless otherwise noted.

Annalyn Settelmeyer - Bureau Chief
asettelm [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9366
Michelle Gonse - Admin Assistant
mgonse [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9461
Isabelle Ramos - Admin Assistant
iramos [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9462
Karen Kovacs - Admin Assistant
kkovacs [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3901
Hazardous (HW) & Solid Waste (SW) Permitting Branch
Jonathan Zittel - Branch Supervisor
jzittel [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9465
Maureen Godbout - HW Permit Writer
mgodbout [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9482
Jocelyn Moran - HW Permit Writer
jmoran [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9477
Christian Pineda-Arciniega - SW Permit Writer
cpinedaarciniega [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9474
Jocelyn Najera - HW Permit Writer 
jnajera [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 1036
HW Compliance & Enforcement Branch
Chris Locken- Branch Supervisor 
clocken [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9316
Agustina Galarza-Stiglich - HW Inspector
agalarza-stiglich [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9476
Isaiah Dums - HW Inspector
idums [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9478
VACANT - SW Inspector687 - 9469
Kayla Alm - Branch Supervisor
kalm [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9467
VACANT- Education/Outreach Coordinator687 - 9481
Emma House  - Recycling Coordinator
ehouse [at] ndep.nv.gov
687 - 9466
Mandy Hood - Program Development Coordinator
mhood [at] ndep.nv.gov
687- 9464
VACANT - State Agency Sustainability Coordinator
687- 9473
William Peterson  - Public Service Intern
wpeterson [at] ndep.nv.gov
Las Vegas Office - (702) 668-3900
HW & SW Compliance & Enforcement Branch
Mike Richardson - Branch Supervisor
mrichard [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3907
Diondrae White - HW Inspector
d.white [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3905
Brianna Palica - HW & SW Inspector
bpalica [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3922
Breanna Case - Sustainable Materials Management Coordinator South
bcase [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3932

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