Partners for a Sustainable Nevada

Our mission is to change the way Nevada thinks about sustainability for our future generations by identifying and promoting opportunities to advance and expand sustainability efforts statewide.

For us, Home means a sustainable Nevada, where we can grow and prosper, while maintaining our natural resources for generations to come. Whether in the private or public sector, each of us has a role to play with advancing sustainability in our state. That is why the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management has brought together stakeholders of various backgrounds to discuss sustainability issues and opportunities and find innovative solutions.  We are very excited about the work of this group, Partners for a Sustainable Nevada, and hope you are too.  

Addressing Sustainable Materials Management in Nevada Together

Partners for a Sustainable Nevada brings together non-government organizations (NGOs) and governmental agencies to foster communication and collaboration, promote sustainability programs across the state, and guide stakeholders towards a common vision – a Nevada where communities recognize and implement the sustainable use of all resources. This stakeholder group works to identify areas of improvement within communities, which will then be used to tailor stakeholder efforts to best advance sustainability development statewide. 

Focus Areas and Working Groups

Members were surveyed to identify common topics of interest regarding sustainability. This led to the formation of six working groups: Source Reduction, Organics Management, Education and Outreach, Recycling, Policy Change and Funding, and Sustainability. The groups are currently working to create a document called the Menu of Options, which will outline options to improve sustainability throughout the State. Since the kickoff meeting in August 2021, these working groups have met multiple times to develop potential sustainability strategies and solutions for the Menu of Options.

Menu of Options

The PSN is excited to announce the release of its Menu of Options.

Watch the Menu of Options Announcement Video to learn more about what this document is and how it will be used in the future.

Our six working groups diligently worked to identify barriers and opportunities to improving sustainability across the State. And they developed potential solutions and strategies, which are listed in the Menu of Options. These strategy and solution options include, but are not limited to, legislative or policy changes as well as actions that municipalities, NGOs, businesses, and/or the state can adopt to progress towards a more sustainable Nevada. Additionally, the ideas represented in this document are not an endorsement of specific policies or actions - but rather an outline of options that communities and organizations throughout Nevada can consider to increase their sustainability efforts. We also hope that organizations and communities outside of our group find this document inspirational – providing ideas on what they too can adopt and implement.

Now, as we look towards the future and our next steps, the PSN will begin to select and prioritize various action items and solution ideas from this Menu of Options - and then develop them into actual projects, programs, and policies. We look forward to the developments that come to fruition and the positive impacts they will have on Nevada’s sustainability and future. 


To review past working group meetings, please visit our YouTube channel. Partners for a Sustainable Nevada - YouTube

Midterm meeting

The midterm meeting will be held virtually on January 19, 2022 at 10 a.m. P.T.

We’re really excited to showcase the working groups’ efforts since the Kick-Off meeting last August and provide updates on the overall group’s journey towards building the Menu of Options. This Menu of Options will be an extensive list of options that can be considered by organizations within Nevada to enhance sustainability across the State. If you are interested in attending the meeting, please contact Kayla Alm at kalm[at]

Kick-Off Meeting

This first meeting will begin the discussion on sustainability issues within our communities and will involve the development of a shared and agreed-upon vision of what we plan to achieve as we address sustainability in Nevada. We need you and your ideas to address sustainable materials management in our State. We look forward to seeing you at this meeting as we take the first important step in addressing sustainable materials management in Nevada.

The kick-off meeting was held virtually on August 18, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. P.T. View a recording of the meeting here.

PSN Kick-Off Meeting Presentation


Join Us

Not a member yet? If you would like to join Partners for a Sustainable Nevada and receive email updates about upcoming meeting dates, please contact one of our Sustainable Materials Management Coordinators with the following information: your organization’s name, a little bit about your organization, and a brief statement regarding your organization’s interest in this group.

Kayla Alm
Sustainability Branch Supervisor
Bree Case
Sustainable Materials Management Coordinator - South

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