Tribal Liaison Program
NDEP Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada 
How the Liaison position was created — In 2003 discussion about creating the Nevada Tribal Liaison Program were initiated by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 Tribal Program, and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). These discussions took place after conclusions of the first "Natives Impacted by Mining" meeting. The outcome of that meeting made it clear there was a need for expanded coordination and understanding between state and federal environmental regulators and the Tribes.
The Nevada Tribal Environmental Managers met and developed a work plan along with a proposed job description for a Tribal Liaison position to be housed at NDEP. In January of 2003, the Inter Tribal Council of Nevada (ITCN) submitted a Grant to US EPA to support the new program. The granted was funded in November of 2003.
A Memorandum of Understanding was subsequently signed on February 6, 2004 between the ITCN and NDEP. The memorandum states that the Tribes through ITCN will work with NDEP on environmental issues that have impacts to tribes. The agreement also requires that NDEP will provide the Tribal Liaison position office space.