Bureau of Federal Facilities
The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection's (NDEP) Bureau of Federal Facilities (BFF) provides programmatic and regulatory oversight of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Environmental Restoration and Waste Management programs in the State of Nevada.
The Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO) and the Agreement in Principle (AIP) are the two legal documents by which the NDEP assures citizens of Nevada that the public's health and safety, as well as the environment, are protected in regards to the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), parts of the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), parts of the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), and the two Nevada Off-Sites, Central Nevada Test Area (CNTA) and Project Shoal Area (PSA). Nevada Off-Sites are a group of sites where underground nuclear tests occurred out of the boundaries of the NNSS. Such tests took place in Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi, New Mexico and Nevada.
The FFACO identifies sites of potential historic contamination that require corrective actions based on public health and environmental considerations on the NNSS, the NTTR, the TTR, CNTA and PSA. More information on the FFACO, including a link to the document, is available through the link to the right. You can also visit DOE's NNSA/NFO’s website for more information, or you can find information on the CNTA, PSA, and TTR here.
Under the AIP, the BFF serves as the primary point of contact for environmental compliance matters for past and ongoing operations at the NNSS. The BFF enforces environmental regulations at the NNSS through the issuance of permits to the owner of the NNSS, DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Field Office (NNSA/NFO). The BFF issues Water Pollution Control Permits GNEV93001 and NEV96021, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit NEV HW0101, and Solid Waste Permits SW532, SW 13 097 02, SW 13 097 03, and SW 13 097 04. Bureau staff also works closely with NDEP’s Bureau of Safe Drinking Water staff, who are responsible for issuance of Safe Drinking Water Permits NV0000360, NV0004098, and NV0004099. More information on the AIP, including a link to the document and all current permits, is available through the link to the right.