Environmental Assistance Program
The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is the primary state agency to coordinate state, federal and private resources to detect, identify, contain, clean up, dispose of, and minimize releases of hazardous substances; and prevent, mitigate, or minimize the threat of potential releases. The Bureau of Corrective Actions (BCA) coordinates activities of a remediation contractor, as applicable, and ensures that all clean up meets state regulatory standards. To this end, the Environmental Assistance Program (EAP) operates within BCA to manage the Nevada 24-hour Spill/Complaint reporting hotline to receive hazardous substance and public drinking water system related spills and complaints 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Additionally, upon request by the Nevada Division of Emergency Management (NDEM), staff from the EAP activate to the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC). EAP staff coordinates activities in support of the SEOC as the Emergency Support Function for Oil and Hazardous Materials (ESF-10).
In response to the above, the EAP maintains the following State hazardous material mitigation plans:
Humboldt River Geographic Response Plan
State Hazardous Material Response Plan
Truckee River Geographic Response Plan
Walker River Geographic Response Plan
Carson River Geographic Response Plan
Colorado River Geographic Response Plan
And the Hazardous Material Response portions of:
State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security Planning Section
Local agencies, other State agencies, and Nevada Indian Tribes may request technical assistance from NDEP for releases of hazardous substances, materials, and waste.
For information regarding reporting requirements, when to call, who to call, or information on data, please call the Bureau of Corrective Actions at (775) 687-9368 during normal business hours (8:00 - 5:00 PST)