Brownfields are properties that are abandoned, idle or underused due to actual or perceived contamination. Though they may have the potential for redevelopment, these properties often remain neglected due to the complication and additional expense of environmental cleanup. Nevada’s Brownfields Program funds the assessment and safe cleanup of these sites, properly remediating such contaminants as asbestos, heavy metals and petroleum. Our goal is to facilitate brownfields redevelopment, thereby improving human health, reducing blight, and taking development pressure off nearby open spaces. About the ProgramNevada’s Brownfields Program can help you turn contaminated properties into profitable, job-producing businesses and safe sites for future generations. We offer three ways to participate: - Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund
If you are the owner or developer of a contaminated site, and are not responsible for the contamination, you can apply for a low-interest loan to remediate your property. Over $700,000 is available in our Revolving Loan Fund. Subgrants (which do not have to be repaid) for Nevada local governments and non-profit organizations are also available through the Revolving Loan Fund. - Brownfields Contractor Assistance for Municipalities and Non-Profits
If you are a Nevada local government or non-profit organization, you can submit a simple application to fund an assessment, investigation or remediation of your Brownfields site. If the project is eligible, a Brownfields contractor will conduct the work for the Nevada Brownfields Program on behalf of the applicant. - Voluntary Clean-Up
If you are the owner of a Brownfields site and responsible for the contamination, the Voluntary Clean-Up Program (VCP) provides relief from liability if you undertake the cleanup under the oversight of the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP).
Contact UsPlease refer any questions to NDEP Bureau of Corrective Actions, Brownfields Program by calling (775) 687-9385. |