Bureau of Federal Facilities Contacts

Las Vegas Office (702) 668-3900
Christine Andres - Bureau Chief
candres [at] ndep.nv.gov
 (702) 668-3911    
Gail Tackett - Administrative Assistant
gtackett [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3904
Meghan Lyle- Environmental Scientist IV - Supervisor for FFACO & AIP Programs
mlyle [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3924    
Vacant - Environmental Scientst IV - 
xxxx [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-xxxx
Shantae Green - Environmental Scientist I
sgreene [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3902
Jade Poole - Environmental Scientist I
 jpoole [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3915
Kyle Jones - Environmental Scientist III
k.jones [at] ndep.nv.gov
(702) 668-3906

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