Air Quality Monitoring

The Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program operates an ambient air quality monitoring network of gaseous and particulate pollutant monitors throughout rural Nevada, except those areas in Washoe and Clark County. Washoe and Clark County operate and maintain monitoring networks separate from the State and publish their findings independently.

The locations of the monitoring stations are selected using U.S. EPA guidance and in general are established near populous areas. Data from the network is used to demonstrate compliance with and/or progress toward meeting ambient air quality standards and to identify pollution trends. Air monitoring stations may also be set up for special studies for limited time periods to address specific issues with air quality in areas where there are numerous complaints, or where the air quality in a small area is affected by a localized activity. The BAQP operates 3 types of ambient monitoring networks in Nevada: "SLAMS" (State or Local Air Monitoring Stations), "SPMS" (Special Purpose Monitor Stations) and "NAMS" (National Air Monitoring Stations)

Published statewide statewide monitoring data (including Washoe and Clark Couties) includes site descriptions, air quality standards, health and pollutant information, demographics, monitoring programs and air quality trends in the annual Trend Report. The Trend Report discusses the air quality in Nevada that falls within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Air Quality Planning and covers the period 1992-2003. Data presented are for air pollutants identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as having widespread health effects (i.e. lead, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and inhalable particulate matter. In addition to air quality levels and trends, the report discusses the state's demographics, air quality programs, types of monitoring stations, monitoring jurisdictions, and state and federal air quality standards.

Some monitoring data is available online in near real-time providing the measured air quality value and EPA's corresponding Air Quality Index (AQI) value. Archived monitor data can be retrieved from AQS Data Mart.

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